Swami Anahata Academy


Module 3 - Part 4:

Lecture - Chakras and Sexual Empowerment

Now we will speak on chakras and kundalini and how to work with them on your sexual empowerment journey. It is a great topic that comes with another powerful meditation. So find a comfortable private space and play the video.

Module 3 Navigation

Part 1 – Lecture: Fundamentals of Sexual Mastery


This is a recording of Anahata´s webinar on Chakras and Sexual Mastery. Go through it and practice with the video.

Press "CC" for subtitles.

After you work through materials and meditation from this video, you can watch a closure of the course - a webinar with Anahata. It contains recommendations on how to take all what you have learned into your daily life and also a space for sharing and support. The recording of this webinar is here>>